Year: 2012

James Mills > 2012

Does anyone in Teesside creative industry really give a monkeys?

I have been reluctant to make this post for fear it is going to sound negative so let me set one thing straight right from the start… Teesside creative industry is huge and is still growing. We have some of the most creative minds in the North East. We have one of the best Universities […]

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Community Champion Awards 2012, Champion Ambassador

(Photo from the Gazette article, Copyright Gazette) When the Gazette announced the Community Champion Awards for 2012 a few people noticed that there was a category for Champion Ambassador and started to mention that I should be put forward for my work with Refresh Teesside. Luckily not everyone just talked about it and Rick Trotter filled […]

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World cities database

I went on the hunt for a database and successfully found a couple of resources which had exactly the information I needed. One of them even had population so I was able to use this information alongside our other background research to influence our decision on which cities we would actually list so we were not trying to list all of them! I thought I would share these two links are they will probably be of use to me in the future and I hope this will help someone else out.

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Recent Tesco API downtime

If you visit the main Tesco API Developers Portal you will see an updated message (3rd Sep 2012). Registration for new developer keys is still disabled however if you have already registered for a key then you can email your developers key (NOT your application keys) to and your keys will probably be cross referenced with the log files to make sure you have not been abusing the API and if your truly committed to innovation then I am assuming your developers key will be re-enabled.

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A helping hand with your grocery shopping

With My Shopping Assistant you create packages, which can contain a number of items. When you’re ready to do an online shop you no longer have to go through the tedious and laborious task of searching and adding individual items. You simple select the package you want to add, confirm you want all the items in that package and then add them directly to your basket.

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Refresh Teesside – Exciting time ahead!

Refresh Teesside is stronger than ever and is growing at a pace that we never believed it would. The feedback so far has been amazing and it would seem that everyone who has attended an event has gone away and spread the word!

The number of people attending the events has been steady which is unheard of for events like this. Each month we are reaching more and more people and the enthusiasm is growing.

Last month we contacted you to ask you to share the news about the Refresh events, and you did it! The coverage over the last month has been amazing. Thanks to your support we have managed to secure the venue for the foreseeable future. Not only this, but we have managed to secure a sponsor for the next three months which will enable us to offer free food at the next three months at the very least.

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